Joanie Simon Family

About Joanie Simon

It all started with a pink point-and-shoot camera when I was living in New York City. I wanted to share my culinary adventures and creations with friends and family back home in Arizona, so I created a blog on WordPress and posted my photos. I didn’t expect to discover my future career in that little camera, but my undergraduate degree in art history paired with a lifelong obsession with all things culinary ignited the start of my future as a professional food photographer.

I’m local to Phoenix, Arizona where I live and laugh with my husband Ryan, our two boys (Blaise and Calvin) and the world’s best crumb-cleaner-upper, a Miniature Australian Shepherd named Bruce.

In addition to working as a commercial and editorial food photographer, I also teach food photography through my online platform, The Bite Shot. One of my proudest professional accomplishments to date was the publication of my book, Picture Perfect Food.

I also publish my family’s favorite recipes on my blog, The Dinner Bell.

And to answer the most frequently asked questions: 1. Potatoes are my favorite food to eat. 2. Cupcakes are my favorite to shoot. 3. And yep, all the food is real. No fake ice cream or motor oil on pancakes are goin’ down in my studio.


Clients Include

Mezzetta | Butcher Box | Ocean’s Halo | Hyatt Hotels and Hyatt Place | Shamrock Farms | Coach’s Oats | CHOMPS | Sumo Citrus | Nonni’s Biscotti | Brownie Brittle | Autograph Collection Hotels | Ocean Prime Restaurants | Informa Markets | Best Buy | Skinny Cow | State Fair Corn Dogs | Nestle | Breyer’s Ice Cream | Vienna Beef | Franklin Foods | Arizona Restaurant Association | Mango Publishing | Figure One Publishing | Nikon Imaging | Professional Photographers of America